Employment Litigation Lawyer Washington, D.C.

LGBTQ+ individuals form a significant portion of Washington, D.C.’s workforce, with 5.9% of the labor force identifying as LGBTQ+, and 17% of adults under 30 identifying as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, with over 5% identifying as trans or nonbinary. Our Washington, DC employment litigation lawyer knows that despite the 2020 Supreme Court ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County affirming Title VII protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, workplace discrimination remains prevalent. Reports indicate that 45% of employees have heard anti-LGBTQ+ remarks, and 29.8% have faced discriminatory hiring or termination decisions. Senior Counsel Andrew Schroeder has worked in employment law for over 20 years and has the knowledge and experience you need for your case.

In D.C., LGBTQ+ employees are protected under both federal and local laws. The District of Columbia Human Rights Act (DCHRA) offers broader protections than federal law, covering all employers and independent contractors and prohibiting all forms of harassment. Employees can file complaints for discriminatory actions occurring in D.C., even if they live elsewhere. Despite strong legal protections, discrimination persists, making awareness and education vital for addressing this issue.

Recognizing The Signs Of Discrimination

Experiencing discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace can be distressing and challenging. It’s important to recognize the signs early on, which can include unfair treatment, exclusion from important meetings or projects, derogatory remarks, or being passed over for promotions. These actions can create a hostile work environment, affecting your mental health and job performance.

Documenting Instances Of Discrimination

When you suspect discrimination, start by meticulously documenting every incident. Keep a detailed record of discriminatory actions, remarks, dates, times, locations, and any witnesses. Collect relevant evidence such as emails, text messages, and performance reviews. This documentation will be crucial in building a strong case should you decide to take legal action.

Understanding Your Rights

Familiarize yourself with your rights under federal and local laws. In Washington, D.C., for instance, the District of Columbia Human Rights Act (DCHRA) provides comprehensive protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation. This includes equitable treatment in job promotions, project assignments, and employee benefits. Knowing your rights empowers you to take informed steps to address the situation.

Seeking Legal Advice

Consulting an experienced employment lawyer is a vital step. At Eric Siegel Law, we specialize in employment discrimination cases and can provide the guidance and support you need. Our team will help you understand your legal options, whether it’s filing a complaint with relevant authorities or pursuing a lawsuit. We will stand by you throughout the process, ensuring your rights are protected and advocating for a fair resolution.

Taking Action Together

If you believe you are facing discrimination based on your sexual orientation, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Contact us at Eric Siegel Law for a consultation. Senior Counsel Schroeder has been involved in various cases that include discrimination, retaliation, and harassment and can help you. We are committed to supporting you in seeking justice and creating a fairer workplace for everyone. Together, we can address discrimination and promote equality in the workplace.