Employment discrimination can be a serious problem for workers and employers alike. There are many different types of employment discrimination, including discrimination based on race or color, religion, sex, national origin, age and disability.

If you’re uncertain about whether an employer’s actions are legal under your jurisdiction’s laws, ask an employment discrimination lawyer in Washington, D.C. from Eric Siegel Law for advice about what you can do next. A good first step is telling your employer that you believe you are being discriminated against based on certain factors protected by law (such as race or age).

1. Know the law

The first step toward avoiding employment discrimination is knowing the law. It’s important to know what you can and cannot do when it comes to hiring, firing, and promoting employees. If you want to avoid discrimination lawsuits, then it’s essential that you know what types of decisions are legal and which ones are not. That is why a lawyer from Eric Siegel Law is so important. 

2. Avoid stereotypes

Stereotypes are often based on factors such as race and age, and they can prevent employers from making fair decisions about their employees. For example, an employer may stereotype workers in their 40s as being less productive than those in their 20s, which could lead that employer to discriminate against older workers by refusing to promote them or firing them before they reach retirement age.

3. Be aware of biases

It’s important to be aware of any biases that you might have toward certain groups of people. For example, if you think that all Asians are good at math or that all Hispanics are good at sports, then this could lead to discrimination against those groups of people if they apply for jobs at your company.

You may not realize that you have these biases until someone points it out to you or until someone does something egregious like posting pictures on social media showing how much he dislikes Muslims or Mexicans because it turns out that everyone in his family is racist.

4. Document everything

You should also keep track of any emails or letters sent by the company that mentions anything related to your age or race — such as an offer letter that says “Dear Sir” instead of “Dear Ms.” This kind of documentation will help prove your case if you ever need to file a lawsuit for employment discrimination later on down the road.

Employment discrimination is illegal under federal law and the laws of many states. Employers who engage in discriminatory practices can be required to pay damages to employees who have been discriminated against. In addition, they may also face criminal charges if they commit acts of intentional discrimination or harassment.

The first step in avoiding employment discrimination is knowing what constitutes illegal discrimination under your jurisdiction’s laws. For example, many states have laws that prohibit discriminating against workers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity (although not all states do).

And since you know all the factors that could lead to employment discrimination, in a worst-case scenario, you won’t have any regrets. You’ll be able to sleep peacefully knowing that you did everything in your power to do the right thing.