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Common Misconceptions About Workplace Discrimination

Employment Litigation Lawyer All employees deserve to be treated fairly at their workplace. Unfortunately, however, this doesn’t always happen. Some workers face discrimination at work because of their race, nationality, religion, disability or age. If you want to take legal action against your employer for discrimination, it’s important to educate yourself about the facts. Here

Common Causes: Real Estate Litigation 

Common Causes: Real Estate Litigation 

Real Estate Litigation Lawyer Unfortunately, real estate disputes occur quite frequently in the real estate market. They can definitely make it more challenging to close deals with your properties. Here are some of the most common causes of real estate litigation. Breach of Contract When you agree to sell a residential or commercial property, you

Reasonable Accommodations for Disabled Workers

Reasonable Accommodations for Disabled Workers

Disability Discrimination Lawyer If you have a disability, you no doubt face more challenges on a daily basis that non-disabled do not. Luckily, there are various accommodations that can make your life easier, even in the workplace. Employers in the United States are required by law to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled workers. Employers who

What to Do If You Are Being Sexually Harassed at Work

What to Do If You Are Being Sexually Harassed at Work

Employment Litigation Lawyer Unfortunately, sexual harassment can occur just about anywhere, including the workplace. It can take many forms, including unwanted touching and sexually suggestive comments, and make the victim feel very uncomfortable. If you are being sexually harassed at work, you do not have to stand for this type of treatment. You can take

How to Prevent Litigation in Real Estate Contracts

How to Prevent Litigation in Real Estate Contracts

Real Estate Litigation Lawyer When you buy or sell property, you will be required to enter into a real estate contract. Both parties are expected to follow all the terms laid out in the contract. However, litigation over real estate contracts still occurs from time to time and can be expensive and stressful. Here are

What to Do: Disability Discrimination at Work

What to Do: Disability Discrimination at Work

Disability Discrimination Lawyer Even though the law prohibits from employers from discriminating against disabled workers, it still occurs to this day. If you are being treated unfairly at work because of your disability, it is important to take action as soon as possible. Here are the next steps you should take. Inform Your Employer of