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Nicole Davis

Senior Paralegal


With over 15 years of dedicated service in the realm of employment and labor law, Nicole Davis brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in information systems management from Oakwood University, Nicole found her true calling in the legal arena, where her passion for helping people truly shines.

Married and a proud stepmother to three wonderful teenagers, Nicole’s life is a vibrant tapestry of love, family, and professional fulfillment. She navigates the complexities of both work and home life with grace and efficiency, always striving to make a positive impact wherever she goes.

Beyond her impressive career achievements, Nicole is known for her warm demeanor, infectious laughter, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Whether she’s drafting legal documents, speaking to clients, or spending quality time with her loved ones, Nicole approaches each task with dedication and a smile.

When she’s not immersed in the world of law, Nicole enjoys unwinding with a good book, exploring new culinary and baking delights, learning a new crochet pattern, and traveling with her family. Her zest for life and genuine care for others make her a valued member of any team and a cherished friend to all who know her.

Join Nicole on her journey as she continues to make a difference, one case at a time, fueled by her passion for justice and her love for humanity.