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consumer fraud lawyer Washington DC

Consumer Fraud Lawyer Washington DC

Companies that create, buy, and sell products or services must be transparent about their practices. Businesses that participate in deceiving practices or violate consumer rights could be held liable for the damage caused. Unfortunately, not all companies operate with the highest good and moral compass. At Eric Siegel Law, you can trust us to be your strongest ally and advocate. We firmly believe it is our duty to be stewards of justice for clients who have been wronged by a company through fraud or a harmful product. If your rights have been violated by a company that was supposed to provide a safe product or service, don’t hesitate to contact our Washington DC consumer fraud lawyer as soon as possible. 

Services We Offer

If you need help with a consumer protection violation, contact us to learn more about our services. We can assist with issues related to unfair and deceptive trade practice violations, defective products, data breaches, and more. When a large company represents its services or goods in a certain way but then acts in another, this could constitute unlawful trade practice. If you have taken every precaution you can to secure personal details online, you have the right to be aware about breaches to this sensitive information. If outdated or negligent security led to a data breach at a company you trusted and hackers exposed these details, you could be owed compensation for your loss and suffering. Manufacturers, retailers, and designers could be liable if they release unsafe products into the consumer market. Our consumer fraud attorney works on behalf of victims who have had their lives changed because of harmful products. You deserve to feel safe and secure when using a service or purchasing a consumer good. We offer comprehensive counsel to clients who have been injured or lied to by deceptive practices. If you have sustained an injury or illness because of a consumer product, defective medical device, or dangerous drug, we suggest contacting us right away about filing a case. 

Eric Siegel Law

Whether your situation involves consumer goods or services, privacy, harmful products, or something else, you can trust our DC consumer fraud attorney to assist you. We know that consumer fraud related issues can be stressful and we are here to offer sound legal guidance during a difficult time. We can answer any and all questions you may have. People may come to us because they are unsure whether their situation warrants taking legal action. Once we understand what has happened, we can advise further. As a consumer, you want to trust that your purchases are safe, services you have signed up for are of quality, and that your personal online information is protected. If you are dealing with an issue related to consumer fraud, now is the time to get support. We are prepared to take on your case. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation to learn more, please reach out to Eric Siegel Law at your next convenience.


Free Consultation

“Attorney Siegel was very responsive and thorough in his analysis of the issues which was presented. I liked his calm and professional demeanor. I would definitely recommend him to anyone seeking competent legal advice.”
Mackenzie M.
Client Review