hourly wage lawyer Washington DC

What To Do If Your Employer Denies You Breaks

Your Washington DC hourly wage lawyer can help you protect your rights and help you secure the compensation you deserve. At Eric Siegel Law, we’re ready to use our over 30 years of legal experience to fight on your behalf. From whistleblower retaliation to discrimination, we’ve helped numerous clients in similar situations. Read on to get some important information before starting your case:

What Are The Legal Requirements For Breaks During Work Hours?

The specifics can vary depending on the state, but generally, employers are required to provide breaks during the workday. For instance, employees are typically entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal break if they work more than five hours in a day, and 10-minute paid rest breaks for every four hours worked. These regulations ensure that employees have time to rest, eat, and attend to personal matters briefly during work hours.

What Should I Do First If My Employer Isn’t Allowing Me Breaks?

The first step is to review your employee handbook or company policy on breaks to understand what your employer has outlined as the standard practice. If your rights are still not being respected, bring this issue to your supervisor or human resources department in writing. Keep a record of all communications as these will be helpful if further action is necessary.

Can I File A Complaint If Talking To My Employer Doesn’t Work?

Yes, if addressing the issue internally does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, you can file a formal complaint. This can be done through your state’s labor department, which enforces labor laws and can investigate your claim. Filing a complaint can initiate a process where your workplace will be scrutinized and required to adhere to labor laws.

What Are The Risks Of Standing Up To My Employer?

While standing up for your rights is your legal prerogative, it can sometimes lead to tension or even retaliation from an employer. However, it’s important to remember that the law protects employees from retaliation when they lawfully seek to enforce their rights, including filing a complaint regarding denied breaks. If you experience retaliation, this too can be addressed legally.

What Legal Support Can Assist Me In Dealing With Denied Breaks?

A legal professional can offer guidance and representation if you decide to take action against your employer for denying breaks. Lawyers can help interpret and apply state and federal labor laws to your specific situation, assist in communications or negotiations with your employer, and represent you in legal proceedings if necessary.

Get In Touch Today

If you believe your break rights are being denied at work, it’s important not to ignore the situation. Taking action not only supports your own well-being but also upholds the principle that all employees should be treated according to the law. If you need help addressing denied breaks or any other employment issues, reach out to us at Eric Siegel Law. Our team is ready to help you understand your rights and explore the best options to protect your interests at work. Contact us today for a consultation and let us assist you in making sure your rights are respected.