real estate litigation lawyer Silver Spring MD

There’s many different kinds of real estate disputes, but only one Silver Spring MD real estate litigation lawyer you can trust. At Eric Siegel Law, we have over 30 years of experience supporting our clients – and we have over a decade of business and real estate knowledge as well. We’re ready to use our experience to help you. Read on to see your next steps.

Identify The Nature Of The Dispute

The first step in effectively addressing a real estate dispute is to clearly identify the nature of the conflict. Common types of real estate disputes include, but are not limited to, conflicts over contract terms, disagreements related to property defects disclosed after sale, landlord-tenant disputes, and issues concerning title or boundary lines. Understanding the specific issue at hand helps in formulating an appropriate strategy.

Review All Relevant Documentation

Thoroughly review all relevant documents related to the property and the dispute. This includes contracts, lease agreements, property deeds, and correspondence related to the transaction or disagreement. Often, the solution to a dispute lies in the details contained within these documents, and understanding your rights and obligations as outlined in them is crucial.

Consider Negotiation And Mediation

Before pursuing more formal legal action, consider whether the dispute can be resolved through negotiation or mediation. These alternative dispute resolution methods can provide a less adversarial and often more cost-effective way to address disagreements. Mediation, in particular, involves a neutral third party who helps both sides reach a mutually agreeable solution. At Eric Siegel Law, we often help our clients prepare for and navigate these discussions, striving for outcomes that respect their interests and legal rights.

Engagement Through Arbitration

If mediation does not resolve the issue, arbitration might be the next step. Unlike mediation, arbitration involves a binding decision made by an arbitrator, a neutral third party. This process is generally quicker and less formal than court proceedings but still provides a definitive resolution. This option is often specified in real estate contracts as the preferred method of dispute resolution.

Taking Legal Action

When other methods fail or are unsuitable, pursuing legal action might be necessary. Filing a lawsuit can be essential to enforce a contract, seek damages, or claim other legal remedies. Litigation can be lengthy and requires careful preparation, so it is essential to work with attorneys who are well-versed in real estate law and civil litigation.

Engage With Real Estate Professionals

Sometimes, consulting with other real estate professionals, such as surveyors, appraisers, or inspectors, can provide clarity and support your position. These experts can offer definitive insights on matters like property boundaries, the value of a property, or the extent of structural issues, which can be pivotal in disputes.

Regular Updates And Staying Informed

Throughout the process, whether you are negotiating, participating in mediation, or involved in a court case, staying informed and proactive is vital. We ensure our clients are updated regularly on the status of their case and understand each phase of the dispute resolution process.

Contact Us Today

If you are facing a real estate dispute, remember that you have options. At Eric Siegel Law, we are here to explore those options with you, providing legal advice and representation tailored to your unique situation. Contact us today, and let’s get started on your case.