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commercial litigation lawyer Bethesda MD

What To Do When A Contract Is Broken

Contracts are the foundation of many business relationships, but if a contract is broken, you’ll need a Bethesda, MD commercial litigation lawyer to help you pick up the pieces. At Eric Siegel Law, we’ve spent over 30 years helping our clients across a wide range of business and commercial litigation – from breaches of contract

consumer fraud lawyer Washington DC

Common Questions About False Advertising

False advertising can leave you feeling scammed and frustrated, but your Washington DC consumer fraud lawyer can help you fight back and get the justice you deserve. At Eric Siegel Law, we have over 30 years of experience helping our clients with consumer fraud, civil rights, and business litigation. We’re ready to use our experience

business litigation lawyer Silver Spring MD

How To Address Intellectual Property Disputes

Intellectual property (IP) disputes can arise in a variety of situations, but your Silver Spring, MD business litigation lawyer can help. At Eric Siegel Law, we have over 30 years of experience with business and employment-related cases – including intellectual property and commercial litigation. We’re standing by and ready to help. Read on to learn

whistleblower lawyer Washington, DC

Protecting Your Rights When Speaking Up

You shouldn’t be punished for doing the right thing – and your Washington, DC whistleblower lawyer can protect you from any retaliation. At Eric Siegel Law, we’ve spent 30 years helping our clients in employment-related cases, ranging from discrimination to whistleblower rights. We’re ready to help you next. Read on to learn more about your

employment litigation lawyer Silver Spring MD

How To Handle Employment Discrimination

Your Silver Spring, MD employment litigation lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve if you feel you’ve experienced discrimination in the workplace. At Eric Siegel Law, we’ve spent over 30 years helping our clients seek justice in employment and civil rights-related cases. Now, we’re ready to help you. Read on to see how

business litigation lawyer Silver Spring MD

Floral Company Settles $1.25M False Claims Case Over Pandemic Unemployment Fraud

Potomac Floral Wholesale Inc., a Silver Spring-based flower company, has agreed to pay $1.25 million to settle allegations of submitting false unemployment insurance claims during the COVID-19 pandemic. The settlement resolves a civil case brought by the U.S. and Maryland governments, based on a 2021 complaint from former employee Travis Gabriel. Small business owners can’t