Signs You May Be Facing Disability Discrimination at Work

Disability Discrimination Lawyer

Living with a disability is already challenging enough. If you’re facing discrimination at work because of your disability, it can make your life even more difficult. However, you don’t have to put up with this kind of mistreatment. If you believe you’re being treated unfairly at work due to your disability, it may be necessary to take legal action.

Here are a few signs that you may be facing disability discrimination at work.

Not Getting Hired Because of Your Disability

It’s illegal for employers to refuse to hire job candidates based on their disability alone. If you have the proper qualifications and can successfully perform the job, your disability shouldn’t hold you back from getting hired for a position. Unfortunately, however, some employers may still refuse to hire candidates just because they have a disability. If an employer hired someone with similar qualifications because he or she isn’t disabled, you may want to speak to a lawyer.

Not Getting the Accommodations You Require

Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations for disabled workers. For example, if you can no longer perform the functions of your current job, your employer should be able to reassign you to a different position. If your employer refuses to provide reasonable accommodations, you may be facing discrimination.

Dealing with Harassment by Supervisors or Coworkers

Everyone deserves to go to a job where they feel safe and respected. Unfortunately, however, this doesn’t always happen. If your boss or coworkers have been harassing you because of your disability, it can be difficult to go into work every day. In this situation, you may want to speak to a disability discrimination lawyer.

Never Getting Promoted

Disabled workers should receive the same advancement opportunities as other workers. If they frequently exceed expectations and other employees still receive promotions over them, discrimination may be taking place. 

Facing Retaliation for Speaking Out About Discrimination

If you believe that you’re being discriminated against at work for your disability, you have the right to report it to your human resources department. It’s illegal for employers to retaliate against their worker for reporting discrimination. However, some employers may still try to penalize workers for speaking out. If you’ve faced retaliation for speaking out against discrimination for your disability, you should contact a lawyer.

If you’re dealing with discrimination for your disability at work, get in touch with a disability discrimination lawyer, like one from Eric Siegel Law.