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employment litigation lawyer Ellicott City MD

Employment Litigation Lawyer Ellicott City MD

Protect Your Business With Our Ellicott City, MD Employment Lawyer

Our firm represents employees and employers alike in complex employment matters. As an employer, you have a business to run, and your employees are one of your most important resources. We can help ensure that you maintain a positive workplace culture so that you can attract and train top talent. Should an employment dispute arise, our attorneys can advise you of your best options, including arbitration and mediation. As your Ellicott City, MD employment litigation lawyer, we can also take the matter to court if we cannot negotiate a successful resolution outside of court.

The attorneys at Eric Siegel Law also represent employees. If you have a dispute with your employer, if you’re being harassed or discriminated against at work, or if you’re having trouble with an employment contract, call us. We understand what legal options are in your case and can support your claim against your employer. We’re here to protect you and believe everyone deserves a safe, accommodating workplace. Call us today for a personalized consultation.

Employment Litigation Matters We Handle

Whether you’re an employee or employer, knowing what’s legal in the workplace and what isn’t can help you advocate for your rights in the workplace. As employers, it’s critical to understand Maryland and federal employment laws to protect your business from legal action. When you need sound legal advice and fierce representation in the courtroom, our legal team is here for you. Our firm handles complex employment disputes, including:

We handle a wide range of employment matters, including contract, non-compete, and similar violations. As your Ellicott City employment litigation lawyer, we’re prepared to defend your interests and seek an effective, efficient resolution to the matter. Contact Eric Siegel Law today to schedule your strategy session.

Employment Litigation Lawyer in Ellicott City, Maryland

Understanding The Equal Pay Act

If you feel discrimination is affecting your pay, your Ellicott City Maryland employment litigation lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. At Eric Siegel Law, we’ve spent over 30 years representing our clients in employment and business litigation cases alike. Now, we’re ready to use our experience to help you. Read on to learn more about the Equal Pay Act, and contact us today to get started.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a critical piece of legislation in the United States that aims to eliminate wage disparity based on sex. This act mandates that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal, and all forms of pay are covered by this law, including salary, overtime pay, bonuses, stock options, profit sharing and bonus plans, life insurance, vacation and holiday pay, cleaning or gasoline allowances, hotel accommodations, reimbursement for travel expenses, and benefits.

Key Provisions Of The Equal Pay Act

The Equal Pay Act requires that pay scales for men and women remain equal if they perform jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and are performed under similar working conditions within the same establishment. Differences in pay are allowed under the law if they are based on:



Quantity or quality of production

Any other factor other than sex

This means that it is not illegal to pay someone more based on criteria like experience, the amount of time they have been with the company, or the quality of their performance, as long as these pay differences are not based on or affected by their sex.

Enforcement And Challenges

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing the Equal Pay Act. Anyone who suspects that they have not been paid equally for equal work has the right to file a complaint with the EEOC. One of the unique aspects of the Equal Pay Act is that it does not require the person who files the complaint to prove that the employer intended to discriminate.

However, enforcing the Equal Pay Act can still present challenges. Employees may struggle to prove the equivalence of their job to that of a higher-paid counterpart, and employers may find it difficult to justify pay disparities legitimately. Fortunately, an Ellicott City, MD employment litigation lawyer can show you the way forward.

Preventing Violations

Prevention of violations begins with transparency and good practices in pay policies. Employers must regularly review their pay practices and ensure they comply with the law. It is advisable for employers to:

Conduct regular audits of payroll

Maintain clear records of compensation

Ensure that wage decisions are well documented and justified in accordance with acceptable factors like experience and performance

Seeking Assistance For Equal Pay Matters

If you believe you have been paid unfairly in violation of the Equal Pay Act, or if you are an employer seeking to make sure your practices comply with the law, we’re here for you. Contact Eric Siegel Law, and see how an Ellicott City, MD employment litigation lawyer can help.


Free Consultation

“Attorney Siegel was very responsive and thorough in his analysis of the issues which was presented. I liked his calm and professional demeanor. I would definitely recommend him to anyone seeking competent legal advice.”
Mackenzie M.
Client Review