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Unlawfully Treating Disability Person Lawyer Bethesda MD

Unlawfully Treating Disability Person Lawyer Bethesda MDEric Siegel Law has thirty years of combined experience across various fields of the law—from real estate to civil rights and discrimination. He’s also been many other things, not just a lawyer—and all of that plays into how he treats his clients. He’s been an investor, a trial attorney with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, a non-profit veteran services organization lawyer, and more. Mr. Seigel does not only represent discrimination clients, though civil rights is something he is overly passionate about.

If you need an unlawfully treating disability person Lawyer Bethesda MD, reach out to Mr. Siegel’s firm and talk with him. His open-door, honesty-first policy is a big win with his clients.

But How Do You Treat A Disabled Person Unlawfully?

You mistreat someone who has a disability by treating them differently, usually harassing them or discriminating against them regarding their disability or a perceived disability. A few common examples of disability discrimination and harassment are:

When someone is discriminated against due to their physical or mental disability, in such a way that prevents them from receiving a promotion, being hired, causes them to be fired, receiving job assignments, receiving pay or benefits, being laid off, and other employment activities. Someone may also be harassed due to their disability, or have questions come up about their disability or history with a disability during a job interview. If a workplace has a physically inaccessible workplace, that is also considered discrimination—most public workplaces are required to be accessible by everyone.

What Are Disability Discrimination Examples?

Disability discrimination can occur in multiple ways. Though the most common types of disability discrimination are direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, failing to provide reasonable accommodations, and harassment.

But how does each type of discrimination occur?

Direct discrimination occurs when you receive different treatment—typically worse treatment—than someone else who is a similar situation because you are disabled. Say a family at a restaurant is allowed to eat in the outdoor area of the restaurant but not the indoor family area because their child has cerebral palsy and may make a mess or have a harder time eating.

Indirect discrimination is when a particular policy affects a person with a disability and creates an unequal standing. Typically, this means that something is not accessible to disabled persons. One such example is the COVID-19 briefings having sound, but no captioning or ASL interpreter until a law was passed.

If you have a disability and your employer is aware, you are eligible for reasonable accommodations—or adjustments. This means that if you have a disability that causes mobility impairment, you can request a parking space closer to the front of your building. What is reasonable depends on the person and their disability.

Harassment, on the other hand, is when you are antagonized, taunted, or treated in a way that causes humiliation and offense because of your disability.

If you need a  unlawfully treating disability person Lawyer Bethesda MD, because you have been harassed, discriminated against, or denied accommodations, reach out to Eric Siegel Law.


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“Attorney Siegel was very responsive and thorough in his analysis of the issues which was presented. I liked his calm and professional demeanor. I would definitely recommend him to anyone seeking competent legal advice.”
Mackenzie M.
Client Review