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Unfair Workplace Disability Treatment Lawyer Bethesda MD

Unfair Workplace Disability Treatment Lawyer Bethesda MDEric Siegel Law has thirty years of combined experience across various fields of the law—from real estate to civil rights and discrimination. He’s also been many other things, not just a lawyer—and all of that plays into how he treats his clients. He’s been an investor, a trial attorney with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, a non-profit veteran services organization lawyer, and more. Mr. Seigel does not only represent discrimination between clients, though civil rights is something he is overly passionate about.

If you need an unfair workplace disability Treatment lawyer Bethesda MD, reach out to Mr. Siegel’s firm and talk with him. His open-door, honesty-first policy is a big win with his clients.

Understand the Laws of the Workplace

You mistreat someone who has a disability by treating them differently, usually harassing them or discriminating against them regarding their disability or a perceived disability. But understanding the laws that govern your workplace; both federally and locally, can help you to avoid unfair workplace treatment.

There are very many laws that are associated with the workplace and disability. Here are a few:

The Equality Act of 2010 states that employees can work in an environment where there is no bullying, rumor spreading, and where their promotions and opportunities are judged on merit and performance, not whether they’re popular.

Americans With Disabilities Act is another law, it governs whether employers can discriminate against someone due to a disability, and it notes that all employees have the right to a disability-friendly workplace.

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act tells workplaces that they cannot refuse to hire someone who is qualified for the job, because they’re over the age of forty.

How Can You Further Prevent Workplace Unfairness?

You can further protect your employees from workplace unfairness by establishing policies against unequal treatment and enforcing those policies. Write an employee manual that lays out how you want your workplace to function. Add a section to your current employee handbook about discrimination; the different types of discrimination and make it so that the employees are aware of the consequences for discrimination and other unsavory practices. This will be very transparent. Your employees can even take classes or attend seminars on this topic as well.

Make your employees aware of an open-door policy, that they can always come to talk to the management about what’s going on without fearing for their jobs. You should train and coach your employees on workplace unfairness and how to avoid it.

But ultimately, you’re going to want to include a policy or two that has consequences laid out. The more you enforce your policy and consequences, the better, as your employees will know that they cannot push you around.

If you need an unfair work place disability treatment lawyer Bethesda MD, because you have been harassed, mistreated, discriminated against, or denied accommodations, reach out to Eric Siegel Law. With so much experience dealing with various forms of discrimination, Mr. Siegel has your back. 

Unfair Workplace Disability Treatment Lawyer In Bethesda Maryland

While the Americans with Disabilities Act protects Americans against discrimination due to their disability, this does not mean that you won’t experience discrimination. Under the ADA, a disability is defined as: a physical or mental impairment that limits major life activities (seeing, talking, hearing, working, walking); having a record of said disability; being regarded as a person with a disability (facial scars, illnesses, etc.).

No matter your disability, nobody should be treating you any differently due to it. Eric Siegel Law has thirty years of combined experience across various fields of the law—from real estate to civil rights and discrimination. He has also been many other things, not just a lawyer—and all of that plays into how he treats his clients. He has been an investor, a trial attorney with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, a non-profit veteran services organization lawyer, and more. Mr. Seigel does not only represent discrimination clients, but though civil rights is also something he is overly passionate about.

If you need an unfair workplace disability treatment lawyer Bethesda MD, reach out to Mr. Siegel’s firm and talk with him. His open-door, honesty-first policy is a big win with his clients. Let Eric Siegel use his experience and knowledge to help you fight the company that refused your disability accommodations. You want to make sure you are getting what you need—and you do not need unnecessary stress. 

Some common examples of workplace disability treatment that is considered unfair are:

Discriminating against an employee you’re considering hiring or firing. You cannot refuse to hire someone because of their disability, and you cannot fire someone due to their disability. If someone has to lift 60lbs on a job, but they cannot, then perhaps they make arrangements with other members of their team, who help them lift the heavier packages. This is somebody accommodating their own disability; and therefore, they cannot be fired for their disability.

If someone has a disability that requires them to work from home, you cannot reference their inability to work at the workplace in giving them references later. This can cause the person in question to lose their job offer, because of a negative reference regarding their disability.

Another very common example is simply failing to accommodate somebody’s disability. This means you need to adjust the job, or how it’s done, for the person who is doing it. Not doing this can cause the employee to suffer. Perhaps you need a wheelchair ramp installed in the office, or the cubicles need more space between them to accommodate a wheelchair. Perhaps you need a magnification service on your computer to see easier, or speech-to-text, or air conditioning. As long as the accommodation is reasonable, you should receive said accommodation. Not doing so is considered unfair treatment in the workplace, as well as discrimination.

If you need an unfair workplace disability treatment lawyer Bethesda MD, reach out to Eric Siegel Law. He’s seen it all before, and if he hasn’t, that won’t stop him from putting his best foot forward to help you receive the care you deserve.


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“Attorney Siegel was very responsive and thorough in his analysis of the issues which was presented. I liked his calm and professional demeanor. I would definitely recommend him to anyone seeking competent legal advice.”
Mackenzie M.
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